The organisation team together with the Jugend- und Kulturtreff Jump and the support of many volunteers enriches the region with the best (local) music, relaxing atmosphere and unique spirit.
So who’s responsible for all the marvellous things?
As the head of the team Tanja organized all the band stuff, bookings and the general administration. Nonetheless she always has the time for a coffee or a nice chat.
With her sunny and lively character Vera helped already several years at the Jump Out Festival. As she seems never out of energy she now became involved also in the organization team.
Returned from Vienna David designs the graphics, makes some videos and argues with the team about colorchoices. But there has always to be time for a instagram-photo.
The chill out area that makes JumpOut so special is the work of Simon. He makes sure we have enough couches, some arty activities and fights constantly for more vegetarian food.
She joined the team right after her master’s degree. You will definitely find her at the green zone, delivering the best fruits and coffee with a smile.
As our very own real musician Joe knows a lot people in the business and has always one or two bands in mind when needed. Occasionally he will play the bass for you – or not.
As a newcomer, franzi is slowly working her way into the team, curios and open minded she is waiting for June.
The first edition of the Jump Out Festival took place already in the year 2010. Since then a lot of people helped in making this wonderful festival happen. Also if these guys are not part of the organization team any more, we want to introduce them to you. After all it’s due to them that the Jump Out Festival was born and gave us all so many lovely moments…
Living in Innsbruck Katrin supported the team from the outside. With devotional work during the festival, her calmness made sure everyone keeps a calm head.
If we needed some PR Greta was our woman. Although her work and many other responsibilities keep her very busy, a nice text for the media is still never a problem.
Noemi helps Tanja in the general administration and also brings new ideas to the festival. She is responsible for the PR, the web content and the prints of the yearly staff shirts. With passion and lightheartedness she works hard to keep the JumpOut special and dog friendly.
It’s already some years that Tina helped at the Festival, now she reinforces the organization team also officially. She is very creative and will bring a lot of new ideas to the Color Zone.
As the real Sarnerin she brings fresh mountain air to the festival. As she already has festival organizing experience from another festival, she brings new ideas to the table. She strongly supported the purchase of walkie talkies.
Mostly Martin is unseen, but as soon as the festival day is near, he will be up and working night and day on the perfection of the stage and the artistic touch that will keep you speechless
From the beginning Martin ruled the Food Zone as a voluntary supporter. Now he was promoted to chef and is a member of the organization team with much enthusiasm and some food to deliver.
She is the youngest member of the team and studies social pedagogy in Brixen. As a proper “Eppanerin”, she has already been visiting the JumpOut Festival for many years and brings variety into our festival’s routine with her constantly changing hairstyles.
Jugendtreff JUMP Eppan
Michaelsplatz 19
39057 St. Michael / Eppan
0471 66 22 39
Infos & Booking
Tanja Stuefer
Graphics & Media
David Klotz